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Hello and Welcome: Robot Waiters to the Rescue Amid Virus

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Robot waiters at the Royal Palace restaurant in Renesse, Netherlands.

Some restaurants in the Netherlands preparing to reopen in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic are planning to use robot waiters to maintain social distancing.

Credit: Peter Dejong/AP

Restaurants in the Netherlands have been hard hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, having been forced to close for over two months. However, soon they will be allowed to reopen with a maximum of 30 customers.

The new restrictions will result in some layout adaptations, and some restaurants are planning to use robot waiters to help abide by the social distancing rules.

The robots' duties will include greeting customers, serving drinks and meals, and returning used glasses and dishes.

For example, Shaosong Hu and his daughter Leah Hu will be using two robots at their restaurant in the Dutch town of Renesse. Said Leah Hu, "We will use them to make sure the 1.5 meters (5 feet) we need during the corona crisis sticks."

From Associated Press
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