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Electronic Nose Sniffs Out Perfectly Ripe Peaches for Harvest

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Are these peaches ripe?

Researchers have developed an electronic nose system to sniff out the ripest peaches for harvest.

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Researchers at Brazil’s Federal University of Technology-Parana and State University of Ponta Grossa have developed an electronic nose (e-nose) system to sniff out the ripest peaches for harvest.

Researcher Sergio Luiz Stevan Jr. said the technology enables online, real-time monitoring of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by the fruit via special gas sensors.

The e-nose digitizes the VOC measurements and pre-processes them in a microcontroller, and then a pattern recognition algorithm classifies each combination of VOC molecules associated with the three peach-ripening stages.

The data is stored on a secure digital memory card, and sent to a computer via Bluetooth or USB connection for analysis.

Stevan says several e-noses deployed across an orchard would form a sensing network.

From IEEE Spectrum
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