The new Amazon Fresh grocery store in Los Angeles features a station where shoppers can question Amazon's voice-controlled assistant Alexa.
Credit: Amazon/Reuters
Amazon on Thursday opened its first Fresh grocery store in the Woodland Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles, featuring no checkout lines, smart shopping carts, and Alexa virtual assistant-powered guides.
Shoppers sign into the Amazon app and put items in a sensor-equipped Dash Cart that identifies each item as it is added and enables customers to use a dedicated checkout lane to pay for those groceries.
The store also is integrated with Alexa and Alexa shopping lists, while Echo Show devices can help shoppers navigate the outlet.
Unlike the smaller Amazon Go markets, Fresh customers can choose between smart or traditional shopping carts, pay at a checkout lane with cashiers if they prefer, and ask Alexa guides for help.
Forrester Research's Sucharita Kodali said, "Obviously, they thought that building something from scratch would be better than to try to retrofit a Whole Foods store."
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