Trials to make this amphibious bus self-driving start in December, on Japans Yamba Dam.
Credit: Saitama Institute of Technology
The Japanese town of Naganohara will test a consortium's autonomous amphibious bus in a trial beginning in December and running through March 2021.
The Saitama Institute of Technology (SIT) is developing the driverless technologies to be used in the bus based on the open source Autoware platform for autonomous cars, and on controllers for modified joystick-driven Joy Cars for disabled people.
Autoware will be installed in a personal computer, which ingests data from LiDAR, cameras, sensors, and the Global Navigation Satellite System, while a controller area network transmits the data to a vehicle motion controller.
SIT's Daishi Watabe said the autonomous control system will manage vehicle water-in/water-out location recognition; sensor stabilization to offset ship rolling; self-localization techniques to handle changes in surrounding three-dimensional views; and sonar-based obstacle avoidance.
Artificial intelligence also will assist in obstacle detection, self-localization, and path planning.
From IEEE Spectrum
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