According to AV Test's 2019/2020 Security Report, 114 million malicious programs were developed in 2019, and 78.64 percent of all attacks were distributed on Windows systems.
Credit: AV Test
Microsoft Windows and Android security evaluator AV Test's 2019/2020 Security Report found malware targeting Windows computers constituted 83.45% of all malware attacks in the first quarter of this year.
The report said 114 million new pieces of malware were developed last year, and anticipates 160 million new malicious programs by the end of this year, with many hackers exploiting Covid-19's disruption to spread malware and boost phishing attacks.
According to the CVE database of known system vulnerabilities, Microsoft has more than 660 dangerous flaws, with 357 of them attributed to Windows 10. Besides backdoor vulnerabilities, 64.31% of Windows-targeting malware were trojans, 15.52% were viruses, and 7.79% were worms.
As a result of these various threats, Windows 10, which is loaded into about 51% of the world's computers, was rated the least secure operating system.
From PC Magazine
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