A study developed by a task force led by the president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology concluded, among other things, that the use of robots and artificial intelligence in industry "are not about to deliver a jobless future."
Credit: Bryan Anselm/The New York Times
L. Rafael Reif, the president of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, delivered an intellectual call to arms to the university's faculty in November 2017: Help generate insights into how advancing technology has changed and will change the work force, and what policies would create opportunity for more Americans in the digital economy.
That issue, he wrote, is the "defining challenge of our time."
Three years later, the task force assembled to address it is publishing its wide-ranging conclusions. The 92-page report, "The Work of the Future: Building Better Jobs in an Age of Intelligent Machines," was released on Tuesday.
The group is made up of M.I.T. professors and graduate students, researchers from other universities, and an advisory board of corporate executives, government officials, educators and labor leaders. In an extraordinarily comprehensive effort, they included labor market analysis, field studies and policy suggestions for changes in skills-training programs, the tax code, labor laws and minimum-wage rates.
From The New York Times
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