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A Decade Of AI: Most Defining Moments 2010-20

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Illustration of leaders in artificial intelligence over the past decade.

People have long been talking, theorizing, and experimenting with artificial intelligence, but what happened in the last decade has made it more tangible.

Credit: Analytics India Magazine

AI — the yesteryear's wildest science fiction is now an integral part of our lives. It wasn't like this a decade ago. People were talking, theorising and experimenting with AI for sure, but what happened in the last decade has made AI more tangible. This was the decade when AI went mainstream. Be it access to world standard courses, platforms, libraries, frameworks, hardware — everything just fell into place. And, it wouldn't be an exaggeration if one were to say that what was accomplished in the last ten years single-handedly fortified the foundations of our future. 

In this article, we look at a few of the most important breakthroughs that directly or indirectly have made AI a household name.

Convolutions Galore

The year 2012 was considered to be one of the most important years in the history of deep learning. This was the year when the power of convolutional neural networks (2012) was truly realised at the famous ImageNet competition where the participants were tasked with making accurate predictions of the objects. Dubbed "Alexnet" is a convolutional neural network (CNN) designed by Alex Krizhevsky, published with Ilya Sutskever and Krizhevsky. It halved the current error rate on Imagenet visual recognition to 15.3 per cent. The neural network taught itself to detect cats with 74.8% accuracy and faces with 81.7% from YouTube videos. The success of facial recognition in your phones or malls can be attributed to this work in 2012. The improved accuracies gradually allowed researchers to deploy models for medical imaging with great confidence. From retinopathy to cancer diagnosis, from kidney disease to AR assisted surgery, the field of medicine is gearing up for a very exciting decade ahead.


From Analytics India Magazine

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