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ACM TechNews Top Articles of 2020

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Three times each week, ACM provides coverage in brief of established and emerging areas of computer science, the latest trends in information technology, and related science, technology, engineering, and mathematics news to a global audience of more than 110,000 readers, in the form of ACM TechNews. A benefit of ACM membership, ACM TechNews is assembled from hundreds of relevant English-language technology publications from all over the world, in order to help keep ACM's members informed and up to date on a wide range of technology topics.

ACM tracks readers' click on the dozen or so links in each ACM TechNews edition that provide access to the full texts of each of ACM TechNews article abstract, in order to stay on top of readers' topic preferences. We use that capability to dig through the data to determine which of the more than 2,800 article abstracts delivered during the course of the year were most popular with readers, based on the numbers of clicks each received to access the full article.

Looking at the 10 most clicked-on ACM TechNews articles during the course of 2020, one of the most popular topics is, once again, programming and programming languages. Other topics of major interest reflect the major news of the year, including best practices for virtual conferences, cybersecurity, autonomous vehicles, and algorithmic bias.

The most popular single ACM TechNews article abstract clicked on last year was in the Friday, May 29 edition; the link took readers to the full text of the ZDNet article "Programming languages: Developers reveal what they love and loathe, and what pays best."

The 10 most frequently clicked-on content links in ACM TechNews during 2020 were:

Rank Article Publication Date URL
1 Programming languages: Developers reveal what they love and loathe, and what pays best ZDNet May 28, 2020
2 ACM Releases Report on Best Practices for Virtual Conferences HPC Wire April 16, 2020
3 Programming language security: These are the worst bugs for each top language ZDNet Dec. 12, 2020
4 Top Programming Languages 2020 IEEE Spectrum July 22, 2020
5 China's Military Is Tied to Debilitating New Cyberattack Tool The New York Times May 7, 2020
6 Folding@Home Now More Powerful Than World's Top 7 Supercomputers, Combined Tom's Hardware March 21, 2020
7 Countries agree regulations for automated driving The Japan Times June 26, 2020
8 Data Visualization's Breakthrough Moment in the COVID-19 Crisis Nightingle April 30, 2020
9 Wrongfully Accused by an Algorithm The New York Times June 24, 2020
10 California city bans predictive policing in U.S. first Reuters June 24, 2020


ACM TechNews is a benefit of ACM Membership. If you are an ACM member and wish to receive ACM TechNews, please contact your personal ACM Customer Service Representative, or indicate your preference in the settings of your dashboard on

Lawrence M. Fisher is Senior Editor/News for ACM Magazines.


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