Artificial intelligence can help readers assess news stories accurately, but only when a story is first emerging, according to Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute researchers.
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Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) researchers determined that artificial intelligence (AI) can help assess news stories accurately, but only when a story is first emerging.
Overall, the RPI team found AI-driven interventions are ineffective when used to flag issues with stories on frequently covered subjects about which people have established convictions.
Yet tailored AI-generated advice can help readers make better judgments on the legitimacy of news articles when the topic is too fresh for opinions to emerge.
This intervention is most effective when it provides reasoning in line with a person's natural thought process, like an assessment of the accuracy of facts provided or the source's reliability.
RPI's Dorit Nero said, "If we can get to people early on when the story breaks and use specific rationales to explain why the AI is making the judgment, they're more likely to accept the advice."
From Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
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