A study by a University of Ottawa medical student has found medical students could improve their surgical skills by playing video games.
Credit: University of Ottawa
Researchers at Canada's Universities of Ottawa (UOttawa) and Toronto (U of T) suggest video games could be a beneficial tool for training surgeons.
UOttawa's Arnav Gupta and colleagues at U of T reviewed 16 studies involving 575 participants; Gupta said video-game expertise was associated with improvements in time to completion, economy of motion, and overall performance during robotic surgery.
Video game-based training also was linked to improvement in duration on certain tasks, economy of motion, accuracy, and overall performance in laparoscopic surgery.
Said Gupta, "While video games can never replace the value of first-hand experience, they do have merit as an adjunctive tool, especially when attempting to replicate important movements to surgery."
From University of Ottawa (Canada)
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