The U.K. government and IBM have announced a five-year 210 million ($297.5 million) artificial intelligence and quantum computing collaboration aimed at making new discoveries and developing sustainable technologies in fields ranging from life sciences t
Credit: IBM Research
A five-year, $297.5-million partnership between IBM and the U.K. government will research quantum computing and artificial intelligence (AI) in the quest for sustainable technologies.
Sixty scientists, along with interns and students, will collaborate under the aegis of IBM Research and the U.K.'s Science and Technology Facilities Council at the new Hartree National Center for Digital Innovation.
IBM said the U.K.-based facility will "apply AI, high-performance computing (HPC) and data analytics, quantum computing, and cloud technologies" to further innovation in fields such as materials development and environmental sustainability.
The Hartree Center will feature an IBM Hybrid Cloud-accessible connection to the IBM Quantum Network, and access to commercial and experimental AI products and tools for work in fields like material design, scaling and automation, supply chain logistics, and trusted AI applications.
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