A nonfungible token containing the original World Wide Web source code written by Tim Berners-Lee, along with an animated visualization, a letter by Berners-Lee, and a digital poster of the code from the original files, will be auctioned off later this mo
Credit: Simon Dawson/REUTERS
Computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee's original source code for what would become the World Wide Web now is part of a non-fungible token (NFT) that Sotheby's will auction off, with bidding to start at $1,000.
The digitally signed Ethereum blockchain NFT features the source code, an animated visualization, a letter by Berners-Lee, and a digital poster of the code from the original files, which include implementations of the three languages and protocols that Berners-Lee authored: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Uniform Resource Identifiers.
Berners-Lee said the NFT is "a natural thing to do ... when you're a computer scientist and when you write code and have been for many years. It feels right to digitally sign my autograph on a completely digital artifact."
From Reuters
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