A team in China has developed the worlds most powerful quantum computer, leapfrogging the previous record holder, Google.
Credit: University of Science and Technology of China
Chinese researchers have demonstrated the world's most powerful quantum computer, displacing Google's Sycamore processor as the holder of quantum supremacy.
The 54-quantum-bit (qubit) Sycamore solved the benchmark problem of simulating a quantum circuit and sampling random numbers from its output in three minutes 20 seconds; the Google team said the most powerful classical supercomputer would have taken 10,000 years to crack the problem.
The Chinese team’s Zuchongzhi processor features 66 qubits, although the team reportedly used just 56 to solve the same challenge in about 70 minutes.
Peter Knight at the U.K.'s Imperial College London said, "What this has done is really demonstrate what we've always thought we knew, but didn't have proved experimentally, that you can always beat a classical machine by adding a few more qubits."
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