The steak is composed of real muscle and fat cells, derived from tissue samples taken from a cow.
Credit: Shlomi Arbiv/MeaTech 3D Ltd
Researchers at the Israeli firm MeaTech 3D said they have grown a 4-ounce steak in a lab, the largest produced thus far.
The steak was produced by incorporating live bovine stem cells into "bio-inks" used in a three-dimensional (3D) printer.
After it was “printed,” the steak was placed in an incubator to mature, allowing the stem cells to differentiate into fat and muscle cells.
MeaTech initially plans to sell the cultured fat as an ingredient for other products, with the goal of producing cultured meat at the same cost as conventional meat.
Good Food Institute Europe's Seren Kell said 3D printing “enables companies to create more sophisticated 'whole cut' products which can authentically recreate the taste, texture, and mouthfeel of conventional meat."
From The Guardian (U.K.)
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