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How Athletes Push Boundaries with Wearable Tech

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An athlete wearing a TESLASUIT full-body haptic sensor monitoring suit.

Athletes are increasingly using wearable tech to push the boundaries of human ability.

Credit: CNN

Wearable technology is being used by an increasing number of athletes to record their physical performance and push themselves to achieve more, and by coaches to monitor player health and reduce the risk of injury.

Catapult Sports offers a smart vest, monitoring pod, and app that is used by every team in the National Football League and many in the English Premier League.

Said Catapult's Will Lopes, "What it's doing is really comparing what's physiologically happening on the inside of an athlete," to help coaches determine a player's physical limits and prevent injury.

Simon Barbour at the U.K.'s Loughborough University explained that with wearable technology, “You are able to capture multiple data sets without interfering directly in the athlete's performance."

From CNN
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