“What we’ve found is that there is a way to ‘crack’ homomorphic encryption that is done using that library via a side-channel attack,” said NC State's Aydin Aysu. “We were able to do this with a single power measurement
Credit: Markus Spiske
Researchers at North Carolina State University (NC State) and Turkey's Dokuz Eylul University have cracked next-generation homomorphic encryption via side-channel attacks.
Homomorphic encryption renders data unreadable to third parties, while still permitting third parties and third-party technologies to perform operations using the data.
NC State's Aydin Aysu said the process consumes much computing power, and the researchers were able to read data during encryption by monitoring power consumption in the data encoder using Microsoft's SEAL Homomorphic Encryption Library.
"We were able to do this with a single power measurement," Aysu noted, and the team confirmed the flaw in the library up through least version 3.6.
From NC State University News
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