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Most People are Cool with Implanting Chips in Their Brains, but Only if They Can Turn Them Off

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An image from a video released by Elon Musk showing a chip implanted in the brain of a domestic pig.

According to Pew Research, Americans are still wary about driverless cars and are concerned that artificial intelligence will obliterate jobs, just as they were five years ago.

Credit: Aleksandra Sova/Shutterstock

In a Pew Research Center survey of 10,260 U.S. adults, 78% of those polled were against surgically implanting a chip in their brains to improve their cognitive abilities.

However, 59% of respondents viewed the technology as more acceptable if given the ability to turn the chip on and off.

Pew's Alec Tyson said, "This speaks to control. If I can control this technology, then I'm more open to it."

In addition, 83% of respondents favored higher standards for testing brain chips in humans, and 87% supported higher standards for testing driverless cars.

Respondents indicated that visible markings or features to identify self-driving cars (70%), and dedicated lanes for such vehicles (67%), would make them more accepting of the technology.

More than half (57%) of respondents were against the use of facial recognition software by social media platforms to identify people in photos.

From Fortune
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