While many crypto firms have hired research teams, A16z is attempting something bigger: an entire research lab to take on crypto.
Credit: Andreessen Horowitz
Andreessen Horowitz is starting a new research unit designed to bring academics into tackling some of the hardest problems in Web3 and crypto.
It's called A16z Crypto Research and is modeled after research labs such as OpenAI and Alphabet's DeepMind. Tim Roughgarden, a professor at Columbia and Stanford who has written extensively on Web3, is its head of research.
"Usually whenever there's a new groundbreaking technology that has general purpose and can be used for all sorts of different things, there's an opportunity for an industrial research lab to bridge the world of academia with the world of industry practice," said Ali Yahya, a general partner at Andreessen Horowitz who previously worked at Google on Google Brain.
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