A joint venture between the Sichuan Forest and Grassland Administration and Chinese tech giant Huawei deployed the "Digital Panda System" across forest and grasslands in China's Sichuan province in February 2021 to protect the giant pandas' habitat.
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China's Sichuan Forest and Grassland Administration and Chinese technology company Huawei jointly developed the Digital Panda System to protect the habitat of giant pandas by detecting wildfires in hard-to-reach regions where they live and notifying rangers and fire departments so they can intercede quickly.
The solar-powered system collates data from 596 cameras, 45 infrared cameras, drones, and satellites, and stores it in the cloud.
The system also incorporates a facial recognition system for pandas, based on an algorithm tested and refined using a database of over 6,400 images taken from 218 pandas in captivity.
From CNN
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