The researchers found the new approach was just as accurate as software-based approaches at detecting ransomware, and up to 65.8 times faster.
Credit: Michael Geiger
Engineering researchers at North Carolina State University (NC State) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise have come up with a new technique that can detect ransomware faster than previous systems.
The Field-Programmable Gate Array-Accelerated XGBoost Inference for Data Centers using High-Level-Synthesis (FAXID) approach is a hardware-based implementation of the ransomware-detecting XGBoost algorithm.
The researchers found FAXID was up to 65.8 times faster than software running XGBoost on a central processing unit, and 5.3 times faster than graphic processing unit-based deployment.
NC State's Archit Gajjar said FAXID can allocate security hardware's computational muscle to separate problems. "For example, you could devote a certain percentage of the hardware to ransomware detection and another percentage of the hardware to another challenge—such as fraud detection," he explained.
From NC State University News
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