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Scientists Create Method to Kill Cyberattacks in Less Than a Second

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Artificial intelligence that can detect and kill malware on the fly could help protect laptops, computers, and smart devices in our homes.

Credit: David Whelan

Researchers at Cardiff University in the U.K. and European aerospace company Airbus have developed a technique for automatically detecting and neutralizing cyberattacks in under a second.

The method is based on monitoring and forecasting malware's behavior, rather than on analyzing its code structure.

The team built a virtual model representing commonly used laptops, and they tested the detection method on it using thousands of malware samples.

The approach prevented the corruption of up to 92% of computer files, and wiped out the malware in an average 0.3 seconds.

Airbus' Matilda Rhode said, "This is an important step towards an automated real-time detection system that would not only benefit our laptops and computers, but also our smart speakers, thermostats, cars, and refrigerators as the 'Internet of Things' becomes more prevalent."

From Cardiff University News (U.K.)
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