Mojo's scleral lens (a larger lens that extends to the whites of the eye) corrects the user's vision, but also incorporates a tiny microLED display, smart sensors, and solid-state batteries.
Credit: Mojo Vision
Saratoga, CA-based Mojo is one of a number of companies currently testing smart contact lens products.
Mojo’s scleral lenses feature a microLED display that appears to float in front of the user’s eyes.
The lenses correct the user’s vision, in addition to being equipped with the tiny display, smart sensors, and solid-state batteries.
Other researchers are developing smart lenses to collect health data, potentially diagnosing and treating eye conditions, or even diabetes and cancer, by tracking light levels, cancer-related molecules, glucose levels in tears, and other biomarkers.
Said Columbia University's Rebecca Rojas said such lenses "can also provide extended-release drug-delivery options, which is beneficial in diagnosis and treatment plans."
From BBC News
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