The beginner's guide was created to prepare the Los Alamos workforce for the quantum era by guiding staff members with little or no quantum computing experience all the way through implementation of a quantum algorithm on a real-life quantum computer.
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Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Los Alamos National Laboratory have formulated a new beginner-level guide for quantum computer programmers.
The crowdsourced guide considers 20 quantum algorithms, then walks programmers through deploying them on IBM's 5-quantum bit IBMQX4 quantum computer and other quantum systems.
The results of each deployment is detailed, with distinctions between the simulator and the hardware runs specified.
Los Alamos’ Stephan Eidenbenz said the guide was prepared to get the Los Alamos workforce ready for quantum computing to assist those with little or no quantum computing experience; it also can help more experienced staffers in implementing a quantum algorithm on an actual quantum computer.
From Los Alamos National Laboratory News
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