The machine learning system uses computer vision to watch the manufacturing process and correct errors in how it handles the material in real time.
Credit: M. Foshey et al
An international team of researchers led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has taught a machine learning system with computer vision to monitor and control three-dimensional (3D) printing in real time.
The researchers used simulations to train a neural network to adjust printing parameters to minimize errors, then applied it to a 3D printer.
The machine-vision system employs two cameras focused on the printer's nozzle, and calculates the printing material's thickness as it is extruded via light measurement.
The system printed objects with greater accuracy than all other 3D printing control methods evaluated by the researchers.
"This project is really the first demonstration of building a manufacturing system that uses machine learning to learn a complex control policy," said MIT's Wojciech Matusik.
From MIT News
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