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Zooming In to Get the Full Picture

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A new atlas that maps the continuum of embryo development in fruit flies allows scientists to ‘zoom in’ on specific single-cell embryology of the fruit fly.

Credit: Isabel Romero Calvo/EMBL

Scientists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory and the University of Washington (UW) have built the most comprehensive single-cell map of embryo development in any animal to date, using the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) as its model.

The researchers profiled open chromatin from nearly 1 million cells and RNA from 500,000 cells from overlapping time-points encompassing fruit fly embryogenesis.

Said UW's Diego Calderon, who taught a neural network to predict the developmental time for each cell, "This method allows you to zoom in to any part of this embryogenesis timeline at a scale of minutes."

From European Molecular Biology Laboratory
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