Said Princeton's Jeff Thompson, “We see this project as laying out a kind of architecture that could be applied in many different ways. We are already seeing a lot of interest in finding adaptations for this work.”
Credit: Gabriele Meilikhov/Muza Productions
Researchers at Princeton University, Yale University, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed a method for error correction in a quantum computer's calculations.
The researchers focused on physical causes of error; in their proposed system, the most common source of error eliminates damaged data instead of corrupting it.
They studied the electrons in ytterbium qubits, and when errors cause the electrons to fall to the ground state from their excited state, they visibly scatter light.
This means that when shining a light on ytterbium qubits, only the faulty ones light up and can be written off as errors.
Said Princeton's Jeff Thompson, "These erasure errors are vastly easier to correct because you know where they are."
From Princeton University School of Engineering and Applied Science
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