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Using AI to Listen to Jordan's Date Palms

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Anas Al-Ghananim, an agricultural engineer who works with Palmear, uses the app to scan a tree.

Smart farming that uses AI for pest detection is helping farmers and the Jordanian government fight back without chemicals.

Credit: Zeid Sinokrot

Startup Palmear has developed a device that uses acoustic artificial intelligence (AI) to identify early signs of red palm weevil infestations, helping farmers protect their date palms with less reliance on chemicals.

The startup partnered with Jordan's Ministry of Agriculture, which has launched a dashboard that shows trees that have undergone AI screening; ultimately, it will cover the entire country.

A handheld device equipped with a small microphone is inserted into a palm tree, where it listens for the sounds of red palm weevil larvae chewing the tree’s trunk.

The sounds are captured and filtered through an algorithm in the Palmear app, which lets users know whether there is an infestation.

From Al Jazeera
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