Said Hiroshima University's Yasufumi Yamada, “Our theoretical investigations suggest that simply shaped hearing directionality and well-selected uncomplicated ear motions are sufficient to achieve precise and robust direction detection.”
Credit: Yasufumi Yamada/Hiroshima University
Bioengineers at Japan's Hiroshima University (HU) developed a mathematical model of bat ears' echolocation-related movements to ascertain the optimal pinnae motions that could amplify navigation.
The model simulates the active listening behavior of greater horseshoe bats, whose use of both ears as they echolocate is unique to constant frequency-frequency modulated species.
The researchers employed supervised machine learning-based simulation to determine how ear movements contribute to direction detection, and the best motions for realizing this effect.
HU's Yasufumi Yamada said, "In the future, we are going to demonstrate a practical sensing system equipped with two pseudo-moving ears. We hope to create a simple sonar system for 3D [three-dimensional] navigation systems inspired by bats."
From Hiroshima University (Japan)
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