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An Algorithm for Sharper Protein Films

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A liquid droplet made from protein molecules.

Researchers have developed an algorithm that can be used to evaluate measurements at X-ray free-electron lasers in order to better investigate the dynamic processes within proteins.

Credit: Ella Maru Studios

Researchers at Switzerland's Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Germany's Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee have created an algorithm to more precisely analyze ultra-fast protein motion collected by an X-ray free-electron laser facility.

The low-pass spectral analysis algorithm applies "advanced linear algebra" to eliminate unwanted noise from protein movement data captured by time-resolved serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography "without losing the relevant details," according to PSI's Cecilia Casadei.

Basically, the algorithm can monitor the diffraction images of protein crystals throughout protein movement while reducing motion reconstruction errors.

Casadei said the algorithm enables scientists to extricate more information from data while accelerating measurement times.

From Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland)
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