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Testing Real Driverless Cars in a Virtual Environment

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An autonomous test vehicle.

This autonomous vehicle was tested in a parking lot, but the car reacted as if it was on a real road.

Credit: The Ohio State University

Vehicle-in-Virtual-Environment (VVE) software developed by The Ohio State University (OSU) researchers allows the testing of driverless vehicles in completely safe virtual settings, according to OSU's Bilin Aksun-Guvenc.

The researchers found autonomous cars can learn to avoid potential collisions, boost pedestrian safety, and respond to infrequent or extreme traffic events as a result of VVE-facilitated immersion.

They substituted simulated data for high-resolution sensor output in a vehicle to link its controls to a realistic three-dimensional environment.

The team demonstrated that the vehicle acted as if the simulation was its actual surroundings in real time.

OSU's Levent Guvenc said the software provides the flexibility to modify the model for any situation.

From Ohio State News
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