Over the last five years, agencies have been working to remove invasive carp from the Great Lakes and the Illinois and Mississippi rivers and to implant transmitters in them.
Credit: John Flesher/Associated Press
Agencies such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Minnesota Department of Natural Resources are using "traitors" to find hotspot hideouts of invasive carp that are threatening the Great Lakes.
Agency workers turn carp into spies by capturing them, implanting transmitters, and putting them back in the water.
Floating receivers send real-time notifications when a tagged carp swims past.
The receivers consist of a raft supporting three solar panels and a locked box with a modem and a computer that records contacts with tagged carp.
Taking advantage of the fact that carp often clump in schools in the spring and fall, agency workers and commercial anglers can then head to that spot and remove multiple fish from the ecosystem.
From Associated Press
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