From satellites that can pinpoint the first signs of a wildfire from hundreds of miles away in space, to algorithms that predict how and where a blaze could spread, technology is now in the frontline in the fight against wildfires.
Credit: U.S. Bureau of Land Management
Technology increasingly is being used to predict and fight wildfires.
Pano AI has deployed a network of mountaintop cameras in California, uses an AI algorithm to identify wisps of smoke, and displays a bounding box on areas where a new wildfire may have ignited.
Meanwhile, Germany's OroraTech has launched low-level satellites to detect wildfires from space.
Other firetech startups include Overstory, which is collaborating with utility companies to assess the risk of wildfires from vegetation growing near power lines using AI, and Rain, which has partnered with fire agencies to identify wildfires in the early stages using sensor-equipped autonomous drones.
From Reuters
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