The letter's signers included ACM A.M. Turing Award laureate Yoshua Bengio, a Harvard psychology professor, two former Estonian presidents, researchers at Google DeepMind, and a researcher from OpenAI.
Credit: Reuters TV/REUTERS
More than 400 AI experts and executives from various industries, including AI "godfather" and ACM A.M. Turing Award laureate Yoshua Bengio, signed an open letter calling for increased regulation of deepfakes.
The letter states, "Today, deepfakes often involve sexual imagery, fraud, or political disinformation. Since AI is progressing rapidly and making deepfakes much easier to create, safeguards are needed."
The letter provides recommendations for regulation, such as criminal penalties for individuals who knowingly produce or facilitate the spread of harmful deepfakes, and requiring AI companies to prevent their products from creating harmful deepfakes.
From Reuters
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