A major aspect of U.S. President Barack Obama's plan to improve the country's cyberdefenses involves maximizing government investment in cybersecurity research and development. The final objective is the cybersecurity equivalent of the Manhattan Project. The new U.S. cyberczar will be tasked with developing a framework for research and development strategies that will create game-changing technologies, and provide the research community with access to event data to help develop tools and testing theories. Eventually, the czar will develop threat scenarios and metrics for risk management decisions, recovery planning, and prioritizing research and development efforts.
"Research on new approaches to achieving security and resiliency in information and communications infrastructures is insufficient," says a new federal report based on a 60-day review of the U.S. government's existing cybersecurity initiatives. "The government needs to increase investment in research that will help address cybersecurity vulnerabilities while also meeting our economic needs and national security requirements." One such initiative cited in the study is a National Science Foundation grant program for students dedicated to pursuing cyber-related government careers, which has supported more than 1,000 students in eight years.
Obama also has proposed a $37.2 million cyber research and development budget for the Department of Homeland Security for fiscal 2010 to support operations in its national cybersecurity division and projects within the Comprehensive National Cybersecurity Initiative.
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