College students seeking careers in computer science and engineering have the best chance of being hired in the wake of the recession, according to a Challenger, Gray & Christmas survey of 150 human resource (HR) executives. The survey asked executives to recommend the best industry for future college graduates among 11 choices, assuming that the economy would improve in a few years. Sixteen percent recommended careers in computer science or information technology, while 15.2 percent recommended engineering.
The executives said the booming market for eco-friendly technology will drive the need for more workers with strong mathematical and technical skills. "The trend toward 'green' technologies is creating jobs in engineering and computer science," says Challenger, Gray & Christmas CEO John Challenger. "The areas recommended by human resource executives, while appearing to be relatively specialized on the surface, actually provide future graduates with a great amount of flexibility to pursue careers in a wide range of fields that are emerging now or could emerge over the next two decades."
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