"We don't have any expertise in the country in project management. It all needs to be taught when a person comes to the job and sometimes they [turn out] better or sometimes worse," says Natalya Kaspersky, co-founder and chairwoman of Kaspersky Lab.
Credit: The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Amid Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's calls for modernization, one of the IT sector's top employers has said Russian high-tech companies are being let down by the education system. Natalya Kaspersky, co-founder and chairwoman of Kaspersky Lab, a leading maker of anti-virus computer systems, believes that education is the key.
"I believe that our growth prospects lie in the mind, in high technology or in our brain if you wish" Kaspersky says in an interview at her offices in Strogino in northwest Moscow.
While the U.S. continues to dominate the IT sector, Russia, India and China are considered pretenders to the throne and are often seen as dividing up the rest of the sector between them. While China and India have the cheap manpower, Russia often picks up highly skilled jobs — but for companies there remains a dearth of talent.
From The Moscow News
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