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ACM Names 47 Fellows for Innovations in Computing and IT

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ACM has recognized 47 of its members for their contributions to computing and computer science that have contributed fundamental knowledge to the field and generated a broad range of innovations in industry, commerce, entertainment, and education. The 2009 ACM Fellows, from the world's leading universities, industries, and research labs, created advances in computer theory as well as practice. These accomplishments will play a crucial role in driving innovations that are necessary to sustain competitiveness in an information-based society.

"The contributions of these computing professionals reflect the knowledge and skills they have acquired to address the challenges of the 21st century," says ACM President, Professor Dame Wendy Hall. "Their problem-solving, logical reasoning, and critical thinking are making positive changes to the lives and well-being of countless people across the globe. We are especially pleased to welcome the increased number of ACM Fellows from outside of North America. The selection of this year's Fellows offers an opportunity to celebrate their dedication to the dynamic computing field and to recognize their achievements in advancing the quality of life throughout society."

The complete list of 2009 ACM Fellows appears below.

Within the corporate sector, the 2009 ACM Fellows named from Google Inc. were cited for contributions ranging from the science and engineering of large-scale distributed computer systems and cloud computing systems to dynamic computer architecture and data analysis. Microsoft Research had ACM Fellows who were recognized for achievements in database management, computing theory, and operating systems. IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center had Fellows who were honored for advances in programming language design, social computing, and relational database technology. Other companies with 2009 Fellows were Yahoo! Research and Cisco Systems. Their respective contributions include information retrieval techniques and computer networking.

Among the universities with 2009 ACM Fellows was the University of Texas at Austin, whose Fellows were recognized for achievements in computational biology and bioinformatics as well as computing education. Fellows from Massachusetts Institute of Technology were recognized for contributions to combinatorial optimization problems and for analysis of parallel computing and software reliability.

Other North American universities with 2009 ACM Fellows include University of Washington; Northwestern University; Duke University; University of Colorado; University of California at Irvine, Riverside, and Berkeley; State University of New York at Buffalo and Stony Brook; McGill University; University of Michigan; North Carolina State University; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Princeton University; University of Toronto; University of Minnesota; University of Southern California; Cornell University; University of Florida; and Stanford University. ACM Fellows from these institutions were cited for achievements in development of embedded computing systems; parallel storage; robotics and molecular biology; computer-human interaction; data structures and algorithms; image analysis, recognition, and retrieval; program analysis and optimization; database management; object-oriented programming languages; security of network systems; complexity theory; applications of volume visualization; geometric computing for computer graphics; power-aware computing; metadata management; collaborative computing; interdisciplinary applications of computer science; fault-tolerant distributed computing; and human-centered design.

Among universities outside North America, the 2009 ACM Fellows include Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Israel; International Institute of Information Technology, Pune in India; University of Munich in Germany; Sapienza Universita di Roma in Italy; Chinese University of Hong Kong in China; Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in India; University of Lisbon in Portugal; Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne in Switzerland; Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in South Korea; and University of Sheffield in UK. Fellows from these universities were recognized for contributions to distributed and parallel computing; computing technology and education; knowledge discovery and data mining; data management and knowledge representation; parallel storage and communications systems; distributed programs and logic programming; secure computing; multimedia compression and communication; database management system architecture; and natural language for computers. ACM also named a 2009 Fellow from Argonne National Laboratory for advances in parallel programming languages.

ACM will formally recognize the 2009 Fellows at its annual Awards Banquet June 26, 2010. Additional information about the ACM 2009 Fellows, the awards event, as well as previous ACM Fellows and award winners is available at .

2009 Fellows and Citations

  • Hagit Attiya, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology;
    For contributions to distributed and parallel computing.
  • David F. Bacon, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center;
    For contributions to real-time systems and to object-oriented language design and implementation.
  • Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Research;
    For contributions to the implementation of information retrieval algorithms and techniques.
  • Chandrajit P. Bajaj, University of Texas at Austin;
    For contributions to algorithms for geometric design, scientific visualization, computational biology and bioinformatics.
  • Vijay Bhatkar, International Institute of Information Technology/ ETH/ Multiversity, Pune;
    For contributions to computing technology, education and research.
  • Jose A. Blakeley, Microsoft Corp.;
    For contributions to database management systems and data access technologies.
  • Gaetano Borriello, University of Washington;
    For the design, realization, and integration of embedded and ubiquitous computing systems.
  • Alok Choudhary, Northwestern University;
    For contributions to High Performance Computing, storage, and parellel I/O.
  • Nell B. Dale, University of Texas at Austin – Emerita;
    For distinguished service to the ACM and her impact on computing education.
  • Bruce S. Davie, Cisco Systems;
    For contributions to computer networking.
  • Jeffrey A. Dean, Google Inc.;
    For contributions to the science and engineering of large-scale distributed computer systems.
  • Thomas L. Dean, Google Inc.;
    For the development of dynamic Bayes networks and anytime algorithms.
  • Bruce R. Donald, Duke University;
    For contributions in robotics, MEMS, and computational molecular biology.
  • Thomas Erickson, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center;
    For contributions to interaction design and social computing and for outstanding service to ACM.
  • Gerhard Fischer, University of Colorado;
    For contributions to human computer interaction and computer-mediated lifelong learning.
  • Ian T. Foster, Argonne National Laboratory;
    For work in parallel programming languages, collaborative and distributed computing.
  • Andrew V. Goldberg, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley;
    For contributions to fundamental theoretical and practical problems in the design and analysis of algorithms.
  • Michael T. Goodrich, University of California, Irvine;
    For contributions to data structures and algorithms for combinatorial and geometric problems.
  • Venugopal Govindaraju, State University of New York at Buffalo;
    For contributions to handwritten document image analysis, recognition, and retrieval.
  • Rajiv Gupta, University of California, Riverside;
    For contributions to program analysis and optimization and professional service to the computer science research community.
  • Joseph M. Hellerstein, University of California, Berkeley;
    For contributions to database systems and data management.
  • Laurie Hendren, McGill University;
    For contributions to program analysis of procedural, object-oriented and aspect-oriented programming languages
  • Urs Hoelzle, Google Inc.;
    For the design, engineering and operation of energy-efficient large-scale cloud computing systems.
  • Farnam Jahanian, University of Michigan;
    For contributions to the dependability and security of networks and systems.
  • Erich L. Kaltofen, North Carolina State University;
    For contributions to symbolic and algebraic computation, algebraic algorithms and complexity theory.
  • David Karger, Massachusetts Institute of Technology;
    For efficient algorithms for combinatorial optimization problems based on randomization.
  • Arie E. Kaufman, State University of New York at Stony Brook;
    For contributions to volume visualization and its applications.
  • Hans-Peter Kriegel, University of Munich (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet Muenchen);
    For contributions to knowledge discovery and data mining, similarity search, spatial data management, and access methods for high-dimensional data.
  • Maurizio Lenzerini, Sapienza Universita di Roma;
    For contributions to data management and knowledge representation.
  • John C.S. Lui, Chinese University of Hong Kong;
    For contributions to stochastic analysis of parallel storage and communication systems.
  • Dinesh Manocha, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill;
    For contributions to geometric computing and applications to computer graphics, robotics and Graphics Processing Unit computing.
  • Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University;
    For contributions in power-aware computing.
  • Yossi Matias, Google Inc.;
    For contributions to the analysis of large data sets and data streams.
  • Renee J. Miller, University of Toronto;
    For innovations in metadata management, especially the creation of tools to integrate, transform, query and analyze information.
  • John T. Riedl, University of Minnesota;
    For contributions to recommender systems and to social and collaborative computing.
  • Martin Rinard, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory;
    For his contributions to program analysis for parallel computing and for techniques for enabling software systems to execute successfully in the face of errors and failures.
  • Patricia Selinger, IBM Research;
    For contributions to the field of relational database technology.
  • R. K. Shyamasundar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research;
    For contributions to real-time distributed programs and logic programming.
  • Shang-Hua Teng, University of Southern California;
    For contributions to theoretical computer science, algorithms and interdisciplinary applications of computing.
  • Chandramohan A. Thekkath, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley;
    For contributions to operating systems, distributed systems, and scalable storage.
  • Robbert van Renesse, Cornell University;
    For contributions to fault-tolerant distributed computing.
  • Baba C. Vemuri, University of Florida;
    For contributions to computer vision and medical image analysis.
  • Paulo Verissimo, University of Lisbon;
    For contributions to dependable and secure distributed computing.
  • Martin Vetterli, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL);
    For contributions to multimedia compression and communication.
  • Kyu-Young Whang Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST);
    For contributions to physical database design, query processing, and database management system architecture.
  • Yorick Wilks, University of Sheffield;
    For research on meaning-based understanding of natural language by computers.
  • Terry Winograd, Stanford University;
    For contributions to AI, natural language processing, HCI, and human-centered design.



About the ACM Fellows Program

The ACM Fellows Program, initiated in 1993, celebrates the exceptional contributions of the leading members in the computing field. These individuals have helped to enlighten researchers, developers, practitioners and end-users of information technology throughout the world. The new ACM Fellows join a distinguished list of colleagues to whom ACM and its members look for guidance and leadership in computing and information technology.


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