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IBM Sets ­p Centers of Excellence in Karnataka

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IBM has established Centers of Excellence in 10 colleges across Karnataka, India, aimed at creating a platform for the development of software skills among the students. The IBM Centers of Excellence (CoE), would extend an opportunity for students to learn new skill sets on IBM software products – DB2, WebSphere, Lotus, Rational and Tivoli – as well as help them develop world-class business solutions, said a press release.

"Today's services-and-knowledge-based economy has altered the industry landscape, and it requires different skills and ways of learning. IBM CoEs are an extension of IBM's commitment to nurture skills for the 21st century driven by the services economy," says Himanshu Goyal, Country Manager, Academic Initiative, Developer Works and Globalization, IBM India/South Asia.

He added that the COEs would ensure that the students learn not only how to use the technology in real applications, but also how to continue learning once they graduate so that they stay current in a rapidly changing environment.

From CyberMedia India Online
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