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Researchers Develop 3D Graphics Capability For Firefox

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Researchers have incorporated faster software for generating three-dimensional (3D) images into Firefox and plan to release the modified version of the browser within the next two weeks.

Saarland University professor Philipp Slusallek helped demonstrate the modified browser at the recent CeBIT trade show, using a Wikipedia entry on Venice with 3D graphics of the city's palaces. "You can stand on the balcony and actually look at Venice from the top floor," Slusallek says.

With faster real-time ray tracing technology integrated into the browser, images are described using XML3D, and 3D scenes can be natively rendered. "With the integration of HTML, it means that every Web programmer can directly apply their entire knowledge to 3D," he says.

The built-in ability for viewing 3D graphics also should mean the capability will be used by more people. The researchers say that support from the World Wide Web Consortium would lead other software vendors to use the technology in their browsers.

From IDG News Service
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