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Computer Program Turns Complex Data Into Brilliant Images

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ImageVis3D image

Jens Krueger and Tom Fogal's ImageVis3D imaging program creates colorful 3-D images.

The University of Utah

University of Utah scientists Jens Krueger and Tom Fogal have developed ImageVis3D, a three-dimensional (3-D) imaging program that converts complex data into colorful pictures that can be viewed with an iPhone or iPad. The researchers say ImageVis3D takes abstract phenomena and data and converts it into something that can be seen and better understood.

"The average computer user can now visualize and look at their data in real time, regardless of how large it is," Fogal says. The program enables users to manipulate a wide range of 3-D images of medical, scientific, and engineering data, he says.

The technology could help teach a new generation of computer-savvy, visually-oriented students, according to Fogal. It also could lead to being able to download more complex material onto even smaller computer devices.

From (UT)
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