In 1968, pop artist Andy Warhol declared that in the future everyone will be world famous for 15 minutes.
As with many other predictions, it has not quite turned out like that. Some fear that given what technology is about to do to us, 15 minutes might feel like a blessed relief.
Social networks such as Facebook and micro-blogging services such as Twitter have begun a trend which could see more and more of the information about us viewable more of the time.
Add to that wider use of video cameras, sensors, RFID tags, geotags and other smart systems and we face a future in which we are under scrutiny all the time.
Not everyone is going to be happy with that constant attention. Researchers are investigating ways to help people cope and combat the feelings of incompetence, shyness and sheer embarrassment many people feel when trapped in the spotlight of technology. That will become especially acute with new technology that people do not know how to use.
From BBC News
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