A 3-D phone from Samsung.
The New York Times
Smartphones are getting smarter. Now some new models even offer games or television broadcasts in three dimensions—and you don’t need special glasses to see the show.
Traditional 3-D technology used for movie screens and television superimposes or alternates two views, using filters or shutters in the glasses to select a view for each eye. This creates an illusion of depth. But a new generation of devices, many of them hand-held and now in prototype, dispense with the pesky glasses. Instead, they use optics and other technology built into the display to steer one view directly to the left eye, and the other view to the right.
Glasses-free 3-D effects are easier to produce on a small, portable screen than on a large, stationary one, said Paul Semenza, a senior vice president at the market researcher DisplaySearch in Santa Clara, Calif. That’s because the viewer can easily adjust the angle and position of the display by hand to take best advantage of the 3-D view.
From The New York Times
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