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The Technical Muscle Behind Wikileaks

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WikiLeaks isn't much to look at.

The Website's homepage is largely composed of a plain-text logo and a giant hyperlink that simply says: "Submit documents."

But there's plenty of technical muscle and strategy behind the whistle-blowing Website that's known for leaking state secrets, including, on Sunday, tens of thousands of alleged documents about the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan.

That's not to say WikiLeaks is immune to attacks and technical challenges, however. The site crashes on occasion, either because of high traffic, as was the case Sunday and Monday, or because of lack of funds, which reportedly was the case when the site briefly shut down in January.

On Monday, some visitors to the site were met with this error message: "Well there was an error. Maybe we are just overloaded, please try again in a few minutes."

From CNN
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