Credit: ICT Results
The European Union-funded Laboranova project is an initiative to create a social networking platform to facilitate collaboration between innovators. The goal is to help people conceive ideas and support their development through multiple approaches, says project manager Darren Morrant.
Laboranova elected to create a suite of innovation tools that could work together or separately. The tools were developed to support five innovation phases—innovation games, representational tools for presenting ideas in different media, support tools for core programs, assessment, and community tools for sharing and collaboration. The RefQuest innovation game engine, for instance, introduces "disruptive idea generation" using applied creativity, such as lateral thinking and other methods. The representation or cataloging of concepts can be accomplished through Laboranova's InnoTube and Melodie tools. The former allows users to upload content that others can subscribe to, while the latter visually maps out a range of ideas. The Idem program enables evaluation by unlocking the wisdom of crowds to support the selection of ideas.
From ICT Results
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