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Android Phones Can Substitute For Supercomputers

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Credit: Wired

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) have developed an Android application that can take simulations from supercomputers and solve them further on a mobile phone.

"The idea of using a phone is to show we can take a device with one chip and low power to compute a solution so it comes as close to the one solved on a supercomputer," says TACC's John Peterson. The program uses a technique called certified reduced basis approximation, which enables researchers to take a complex problem, define the values that are most relevant to the problem, and set the upper and lower bounds.

"The payoff for model reduction is large when you can go from an expensive supercomputer solution to a calculation that takes a couple of seconds on a smartphone," says MIT's David Knezevic.

From Wired
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