With MVC, the two images needed for a 3-D effect are packed together to reduce a movie's bit rate.
Credit: Fraunhofer HHI
Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Telecommunications (FIT) have developed a compression technique for three-dimensional (3-D) movies that reduces their file size while maintaining their quality. The method, called Multiview Video Coding (MVC), reduces the data rate of 3-D movie transmissions by up to 40 percent and enables the movies to be transmitted over the Internet.
"MVC packs the two images needed for the stereoscopic 3-D effect so that the bit rate of the movies is significantly reduced," says FIT's Thomas Schierl.
Schierl says the MVC format also makes it possible for users to view 3-D movies in the home without special glasses because it contains the technical features to code and compress several views.
From Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft
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