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What Info Can ­ncle Sam Dig ­p About You?

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Got any secrets you're hiding from Uncle Sam?

The answer had better be no, because in the digital age, your life is more of an open book than ever before.

Cell phones, computers, GPS devices and other technological wonders may make our lives easier, but they also make them far more transparent.

The Constitution affords some protection, and Congress has passed laws surrounding electronic communication and surveillance. But privacy advocates say those laws desperately need to be updated.

"What's great about the digital revolution? Well, all of this information is readily accessible and easy to manipulate and easy to search and inexpensive to store," said Jim Dempsey, vice president of public policy for the Center for Democracy and Technology. "So what that means is that it's also extremely easy for the government to get access to it, and the government does."

From ABC News
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