An ARM chip,and its cousins, may soon be embedded in things beyond nearly every cellphone.
The New York Times
Near the southeastern edge of Cambridge, where this idyllic university town gives way to fields of green, sits the headquarters of ARM Holdings. Neither the modest three-building campus nor its surroundings evoke notions of a thriving hotbed of computing.
But ARM, which designs the low-power chips that go into just about every cellphone sold today, commands a prime position when it comes to one of the next major technological revolutions. This is the so-called Internet of Things, when all sorts of everyday objects will have tiny chips placed inside them and gain the ability to process information and talk to the Web.
In this post-PC era, some analysts say, Intel's familiar jingle—bummmm, bum, bum, bum, bum—will fade as the central soundtrack of computing. Instead, people will hear nothing, or rather the understated silence that has accompanied ARM's rise as one of the most important technology companies.
From The New York Times
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