Artist impression of a phosphorus atom (red sphere surrounded by a blue electron cloud, with spin) coupled to a silicon single-electron transistor, to achieve single-shot readout of the phosphorus electron spin.
Credit: William Algar-Chuklin / The University of New South Wales
A team led by engineers and physicists at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) has developed a single electron reader to measure the spin of an electron in silicon in a single-shot experiment. The reader represents a breakthrough in the development of a quantum computer, which needs to change the spin state of individual electrons as well as measure the change to form a qubit. UNSW's Andrea Morello and Andrew Dzurak led the team, which included researchers from the University of Melbourne and Aalto University.
"Our device detects the spin state of a single electron in a single phosphorus atom implanted in a block of silicon," Morello says. "The spin state of the electron controls the flow of electrons in a nearby circuit."
From University of New South Wales
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