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An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Companies Subtly Trick Users Online with 'Dark Patterns'
From ACM News

How Companies Subtly Trick Users Online with 'Dark Patterns'

So far this year, there have been multiple lawsuits filed against prominent tech companies for their alleged use of dark patterns to deceive users.

What It's Like to Have a Robot Paint Your Nails for $10
From ACM TechNews

What It's Like to Have a Robot Paint Your Nails for $10

Retail giant Target has deployed fingernail-painting robots manufactured by the Clockwork company at three stores in California and Minnesota.

Walgreens Replaced Some Fridge Doors with Screens; Some Shoppers Absolutely Hate It
From ACM TechNews

Walgreens Replaced Some Fridge Doors with Screens; Some Shoppers Absolutely Hate It

Some customers are furious with Walgreens and other retailers’ replacement of clear fridge and freezer doors with iPad-like screens displaying items within.

Amazon Blocks Police from Using Its Facial Recognition Software Indefinitely
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Blocks Police from Using Its Facial Recognition Software Indefinitely

Amazon has indefinitely extended its ban on police use of its facial recognition software, which lawmakers and company employees have said discriminates against...
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